MC devices running the latest releases of Android KitKat BSP include a Pre-Licensed Velocity version , as documented in the release notes. MC92N0 Android devices with a manufacture date after July 1, , are pre-licensed for Velocity 2.x. Velocity can be updated to version 2.x by installing the Wavelink Velocity for Android Arm devices APK on the MC92N0 available. MC ANDROID PGRADE MC ANDROID UPGRADE UPGRADE MC PREMIUM DEVICES FROM WINDOWS TO ANDROID, OR ANDROID TO WINDOWS With so much change in the world of operating systems, it can be a challenge to determine which operating system (OS) you want in your mobile computers — the OS you choose today may not be the OS you need in the near future. Place the SD card in the device to be upgraded. 3. Place the device to be upgraded on A/C power supply. 4. Navigate to the \Storage Card\OSUpdate folder and invoke the 92N0c70Ben_SD shortcut. 5. The update will take about minutes to do not remove the device from A/C power during this time. OR.
MC Mobile CoMputer MC Mobile Computer indury lSt Eading gold Standard for Mobility in dEManding EnvironMEntS The MC is the next generation in the industry-leading rugged MC Series, now offering support for the most popular mobile operating system in the world, Android. This software has been approved for use with the following devices: MC Mobile Computer. Documentation. MC Operating System BSP - Update Loader Image Release Notes Download. Software. 92N0c70BenABAPF. MC92N0 OS Airbeam RevD Software without CleanApp. Download 51 MB. 92N0c70BenACAPF. Zebra MC Emulators Downloads. To download, click the file link below. From the dialog that appears, select the "Save As " option and save the file to disk. Wavelink TE for the Universal Android Mobile Device Android Application Package .apk) (MB) Release Notes (9KB) v 9/21/ Wavelink TE for the Universal Android.
Place the SD card in the device to be upgraded. 3. Place the device to be upgraded on A/C power supply. 4. Navigate to the \Storage Card\OSUpdate folder and invoke the 92N0c70Ben_SD shortcut. 5. The update will take about minutes to do not remove the device from A/C power during this time. OR. Device Compatibility. This software has been approved for use with the following devices: MC Mobile Computer. Documentation. MC92 Android KK BSP LifeGuard Update 03 Release Notes Download KB. Software. CFE-MC92XX-KNzip. LifeGuard Update 03 (Released 10/13/) Download 70 MB. MC Mobile Computer Support. This Mobile Computer is discontinued. We may offer drivers, firmware, and manuals below for your convenience, as well as online tech support. If you require additional support, please contact a Zebra Authorized Service Provider. Product Discontinuation Date: Android - J, Windows - Aug.